The purpose of the Alcohol and Illicit Drug Policy is to provide guidelines for the management of the use or misuse of alcohol and illicit drugs within the Club and to outline disciplinary measures that may result from breaches of this policy (See schedule 1)
Key objectives include protection of the health and welfare of CDCC members, protection of the reputation of the CDCC and taking a socially responsible position on a key health issue.
Comprehensive alcohol and drug policies and procedures address the reality of drug use and associated problems in the community and reflect a commitment to the health, safety and welfare of the CDCC community
Alcohol and illicit drug misuse is a social and health problem, which is responsive to prevention, and appropriate diagnosis and treatment
The CDCC aims to encourage moderation and a responsible attitude toward the consumption of alcohol, and minimize alcohol and illicit drug related harm to its members
Policy and Application
Members of the Club should not be adversely affected by alcohol or illicit drugs whilst engaged in Club activities, competitions, functions or business.
Members of the Club should observe local, state and federal laws in relation to using, possessing, giving or selling alcohol or illicit drugs.
All members of the Club share responsibility for protecting the competitive environment by exemplifying high standards of professional and personal conduct.
The CDCC has a legitimate interest in taking appropriate action if alcohol or illicit drug use is adversely affecting health, safety or performance of an individual or group within the Club, or brings the Club into disrepute.
The CDCC does not condone or support the use, possession, cultivation or trafficking of illicit drugs or the misuse and abuse of prescription or other medication.
The Alcohol and Drug Policy and Procedures apply to all members of the Club at any activities undertaken on Club sites. This includes:
- All registered members, including parents of junior members, as per the constitution
- All club employees whilst they are working for, or representing the Club in any capacity.
Relevant Legislation
- Occupational Health and Safety Act 1985
- Liquor Control Reform Act 1998
- Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Act (Vic) 1981
Members must not attend Club competitions, training or events if adversely affected by alcohol or illicit drugs.
Staff must ensure that they do not attend the Club offices, sites or events if adversely affected by alcohol or illicit drugs.
If the Club determines that a staff member is impaired by alcohol or illicit drug use, they may direct that staff member to cease work immediately.
Staff members are responsible for setting parameters for acceptable behaviour and addressing inappropriate behaviour in members. Staff are not expected to diagnose or counsel members who appear to be misusing alcohol or illicit drugs; however they do have a responsibility, where appropriate, to encourage members to seek assistance if they believe misuse of alcohol or illicit drugs is occurring.
Management and Use of Alcohol
Events Involving Alcohol
These are events that are hosted and endorsed by, or affiliated with, the Club regardless of their size, location or participants.
All activities involving alcohol must have at least one nominated person who will be responsible for the planning, management and safe conduct of the event. This person should do everything that is reasonable and practicable to reduce or eliminate risk and minimise harmful consequences arising from the conduct of the event. This includes ensuring that the event is held in accordance with relevant Federal and State laws and Club policies and regulations. (See Schedule 2)
Bus Drivers
A bus driver must not have drugs or alcohol present in his/her blood or breath immediately before or while driving a bus
Emergency Assistance
In the event of an emergency occurring at an event involving alcohol or illicit drugs the Event Manager should contact the Ambulance, Fire Brigade or Police Services as appropriate by dialling 000
Education/ Intervention
To minimize the risk to members, the Club will provide programs to educate and assist its members. These will include the following.
Illicit Drug and Alcohol information and educational sessions
The Club will provide a compulsory educational session for all its representative members aged 15 and upwards once a year.
Designated Medical Officer/Confidential Drug Testing
Where appropriate, the CDCC may advise referral to the CDCC medical officer. The member/members parents will bear the costs of this consultation. This is a confidential consultation, and aims to address and resolve any issues prior to formal testing and sanctions as per the policy.
The Club reserves the right to request that a member undertake a urine drug test to confirm the presence/absence of illicit drugs in his/her system. Where a positive test is returned the cost of this test will be passed onto the member before they can resume activities within the Club.
Where a negative test is returned the Club will cover costs.
Any test will be organized through the CDCC Medical Officer, at a time of the CDCC’s choosing. A refusal by a member to undertake such test may result in the indefinite suspension of that member.
Sanctions for Alcohol breaches
The following disciplinary measures shall be enforced for breaches of the code in regards to alcohol
- (i) Members whose behaviour under the influence of alcohol has a direct effect on participant’s behaviour and enjoyment of the game at training, matches or CDCC functions
- Four-week suspension and a good behaviour period of 6 months
- (ii) Members whose behaviour under the influence of alcohol results in violent or aggression towards other members or participants at training, matches or CDCC functions:
- Twelve-week suspension and a good behaviour period of 12 months
- (iii) Members who supply or sell alcohol to under age participants at any CDCC event.
- Twelve-week suspension and a good behaviour period of 12 months
Repeat Offenders:
Members who breach this policy a second time will need to undertake counselling at their own expense, and provide to the CDCC Executive proof of this counselling before being allowed to participate in any CDCC event. Members who transgress a third time shall be suspended indefinitely until they can satisfy the CDCC executive they have overcome their alcohol issues.
Sanctions for Illicit Drug breaches
The following disciplinary measures shall be enforced for breaches of the code in regards to illicit drugs
Members whose behaviour under the influence of illicit drugs has a direct effect on participant’s behaviour and enjoyment of the game whether at training, matches or CDCC functions
- Twelve-week suspension, a good behaviour period of 6 months and community service work within the Club
- Members whose behaviour under the influence of illicit drugs results in violent or aggressive towards other members or participants at training, matches or CDCC functions:
- Twenty four-week suspensions and a good behaviour period of 24 months
- Members who supply or sell illicit drugs to under age participants at any CDCC event.
- Instant expulsion from the Club
Repeat Offenders:
Members who breach the policy a second time will need to undertake counselling at their own expense and provide to the CDCC Executive proof of this counselling before being allowed to participate in any CDCC event. Members who transgress a third time shall be suspended indefinitely until they can satisfy the CDCC executive they have overcome their drug related issues.
It is the intention of the CDCC to have its activities, events and competitions conducted in an atmosphere of enjoyment and safety.
The aim of this policy is to minimize the impact of illicit drugs and alcohol upon the Club, its members, its events and competitions. The policy has the provision to act both in a disciplinary and a rehabilitative manner as required.
In doing this Club expects to achieve the following:
(A) Prohibition of illicit drug use within the Club
(B) Responsible consumption of alcohol by its membership where appropriate
(C) Provision of appropriate disciplinary measures for any breaches of the code
(D) Appropriate education and assistance to any members who require such help
Schedule 1
- Illicit Drugs
- Cannabinoids (hashish, marijuana, THC and other biologically similar substances)
- Stimulants (amphetamine, cocaine, dimethamphetamine, methamphetamine, methylamphetamine and other biologically similar substances)
- Narcotics (diamorphine (heroin), methadone, morphine, pethidine, oxycodone and other biologically similar substances)
Schedule 2 Responsible Use of Alcohol at CDCC Events
- The event is fully inclusive and welcoming of all invitees including those who are not of legal drinking age and those who choose not to drink
- The event has designated times between which alcohol is served, and it must not be served outside of these times
- Non-alcoholic drinks including plain water are freely available
- Appropriate food which does not encourage further drinking is provided
- Alcohol is only consumed in the area designated for the event
- Alcohol is not served to a person under the age of eighteen
- Alcohol is not served to an intoxicated person
- An appropriate standard of conduct is encouraged to ensure the safety and enjoyment of those attending the event.